
The Fishbein Center supports two workshops in the history of science, in conjunction with the Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science (CHSS). The Workshop in the History of the Human Sciences discusses the work of guests or its own members (graduate students and faculty) in biweekly sessions occurring every other Friday. This is an opportunity for graduate students and faculty working in the history of anthropology, psychology, sociology, human biology, and medicine to explore issues of significance. Dissertation chapters, seminar papers, and drafts of articles are the usual fare. Quite a few books have been first vetted in the workshop.

The Center sponsors a second biweekly meeting, the Workshop in the History and Philosopy of Science, on alternate Friday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. The topics considered at these sessions range quite widely, from history of ancient astronomy to philosophy of evolutionary biology. A calendar listing these and related events is available on the CHSS website. Announcements concerning these events are also posted to the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) e-mail list (to be included on this list, write the Director of the Fishbein Center).